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Lending a helping hand!


As a community full of gamers, we are here to help one another, and it means giving one another our knowledge about the wonderful and balanced game of League of Legends. This way, everyone has a chance to reaching challenger :D

[ Gameplay Reviews / Mechanics / Untilting / Runes and Masteries ]


Coaching Services_ 

Want to help and become a coach?


Simply head to "Help Us Out!" (or click here) and apply to be a coach for the community. Be sure to apply for the coach position!

[ Let's all be friends and int less! Kidding about the inting part, everyone ints :P. .]


Need help?


Everyone needs help sometimes! That being said, here is a list of some available coaches. Feel free to contact them and ask any questions to improve your gameplay!

[ When in doubt, just int. Er. . .  I mean, get better! ]


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